Words of wisdom & Parisian bin juice
I quit wearing headphones in 2022, after a gust of wind caused my airpod to nosedive into Parisian bin juice. Some might say delicate ears. I say strong winds. Coincidentally, around the same time, a street photography mentor advised me to stop wearing headphones and absorb the world instead. I took this as a sign. And did just that. Talk about winds of change.
Stop Wearing Headphones
Inspired by the 3 words of wisdom, I created an (extremely) amateur street photography instagram account.
Strangers Saying Silly Stuff
After two and a bit headphone-free years, I have a growing collection of bizarre snippets of conversation I've overheard strangers say when out and about (on my travels, on nights out, strolls etc...you get the picture). Iām turning this into an art piece. But for now, a selection are shown below. Feel seen? Soz.